Monday, October 24, 2011

Prepare Yourself for the Final Essay/Video Exam (11/30 - 12/9)

By now, you should have your e-portfolio set up and populated by your writings and videos.  For the next five weeks, you are to make daily freesigning videos.  By the end of each week, you will write a weekly summary, which will serve as your concise restatement, in your own words, of class activities. They must be accurate as well as brief.
Summaries and freesigning videos are handy study tool for you, particularly the final essay/video exam.  Summarizing class assignments or handouts in writing and talking about them on your freesigning video can help in reviewing the material and is a great help in remembering the material.  Moreover, once you have written down the information and made a video, writing it and making a video about it again under the essay question becomes much, much easier.
Your written weekly summary should be as carefully composed as an essay and have all of an essay’s usual characteristics, including a paragraph with a topic sentence and supports.
A good weekly written summary should answer these following questions:

1.      What is the focus of the weekly class activities? You might want to set this off as an introduction paragraph, to make your summary stand out.

2.      What are the main points of the activities? If the activities involve discussion of some pro/con issue or compares two signs/phrases, your summary will need to give all the pro points together and all the con points together or keep the various points of the comparison together.

3.      What conclusions do the class activities reach? You need to write about what you’ve learned in ASL.

A good daily video should cover these above questions, too.
How do you go about weekly writing and making a daily video?  If you follow the eight steps below, you will have an excellent chance of producing a useful and accurate summary.

1.      Read through your class notes and handouts to get an understanding of the whole piece. On a piece of scratch paper, write in your own words the point of the piece, which you will use in your introduction and conclusion paragraphs. On your video, use freesigning.

2.      Reread your draft and videos.  Carefully check the beginnings of paragraphs for topic sentences that announce new points that you’ve learned in the class. In your video, carefully check all information you give in ASL.

3.      Now rewrite the introductory or topic statement of your weekly summary, explaining that the essay is about.  Try to confine yourself to one topic sentence—two at the most. Now review the videos to write about what them.

4.      Decide on the order in which you want to present the main points of the class activities; you will probably need to do some scribbling on scratch paper or do some topic-signing to do this.  Review the materials you have in your notes and handouts to make sure you cover everything on paper and video.

5.      Write the body of your summary, using your own words and making sure to cover all the key points. Video the body of your summary, using your own signs.

6.      Write your last part, in which you repeat what you write in the opening sentence.  Do the video to conclude your video presentation.  Be sure to keep your own opinions out of this part.

7.      Proofread for spelling, grammatical errors, and the conventions of usage.  In particular, compare the terms of signing parts and key terms introduced in the class.

8.      Save your essay with PDF, complete your videos, and put them in your e-portfolio.

On November 30th and December 1st, I will give you the final essay/video question.  You will need your weekly notes and videos to answer the essay/video question.  You will have until Friday, December 9th, to complete the exam.  Please feel free to see me to discuss your essay/video progress.

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